Paula Ramos confirms vocation

«One more time confirms the talent and vocation of the artist who, throughout more than one decade displaying works, continues to disclose to the public a love for the Alentejo. (...)
Beyond the tile panels that she executes, the artist also dedicates herself to ceramics.
The CCSA and the Center of Formation of Santiago do Cacém are elected spaces for the artist, also teacher, for transmission of her knowledge. In this last one, Paula Ramos is teaching an Artistic Painting of Furniture Course.
Besides tiles and ceramics, the artist can obtain time to dedicate to the company Oficina Al Zulej in Santo André, of which is manager of production. Of her extensive resume the are distinguished expositions «Alentejo à Janela», carried through in 1999 in CCSA and «Encontro de Culturas», this carried through in Porto Côvo in the current year.
More recently, the artist marked presence in the mega exposition «Arte e Imagem», carried through in July passed in Vila Nova de Santo André.»

Leme - September of 2001
